Diary Entry 8

It is the final week, I have yet two more post’s that will end this blog nicely. If I look overall to my blog I would say I have learnt a great deal about Godard, ‘The French New Wave and many more. I have tried to represent all of my hard work onto this blog and with endless amounts of long days I can happily say that I will still carry on to learn more about Godard, his stylistic approach to filmmaking has influenced so many of todays directors and would probably continue as long as cinema exist’s.

From my point of view I have learnt that I have to set myself weekly objectives when it comes to an assignment, this style helped me on many occasions to keep focusing on whats necessary and not to go to far off topic. I would say my negatives would be the slow start to this project and the ending of it but hopefully I will learn from them and I would say overall I enjoyed this experience.

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